License Terms
You can edit, rebrand and change any or all parts of the written content and then launch as your own social media content, course, workshop, lead magnet, email campaign or blog.
You can sell up to 5000 copies of your edited final product to your audience as if you have created it from scratch – but you must NOT offer any of our content, even when you have edited it, as a template for others to edit. If you need to purchase an extended license for more than 5000 copies, please contact us at
You can edit all social media templates to use on your own personal social media, or the social media of your businesses OR your clients. You may not sell the templates directly to your clients. They must purchase their own license to create their own content from the raw templates. If they are interested in purchasing another license please reach out to us at
Here is what you CAN do with our templates:
Publish the finished product (ebooks, workbooks, banners etc.) for up to 5000 end products for sale, including paid membership sites.
Use the finished product as a free bonus to a paid product
Use the finished product as free lead magnet giveaways for building your list of prospects
Use the finished product in an autoresponder series or ecourse
Use the content to create tools and training for your team, customers, affiliates
Edit the templates however you wish
Put your name and brand on the finished product
Put your own name, logo, and/or website on the finished product
Edit the text and/or add your own images
Publish blog posts, articles, tweets, infographics, promo videos, and quote images freely on your own social media accounts and website.
Can change the format of the content in any way you wish
Can publish/launch your finished product without needing to credit our site. You may publish/launch your finished products 100% as your own.
You may pass your editable files to your VA/Support Team, contractors, or employees of your company to help you edit the content – but they still do not have the right to use the template themselves, for their personal use or their own business.
If you are a VA, social media manager, or graphic designer you may use the templates to create content for your clients – but they still do not have the right to use the raw templates themselves and may not, under any circumstances, have access to the original raw templates. ALL files used for your clients MUST be flattened. Please see our Terms of Service to review our IP policy.
Here is what you CAN NOT do with our templates:
You can NOT sell, give away, or pass on the licensing rights, or resell rights to the templates.
You can NOT sell, give away, or pass on the editable files to anyone, under any circumstances.
You can NOT add the templates to any membership sites, stores, or online marketplaces.
You can NOT add the templates to free Internet Marketing membership sites or forums
You can NOT resell the template or any of its elements in any capacity as a template others can edit
You can NOT share the original editable template content with clients, other consultants, coaches, trainers, or marketing agencies. This is a single-person license. Please contact us to purchase another.
Failure to follow this agreement may result in legal action against you.
Thanks! 🙂