Gmail Email Signature Template for Canva – Nostalgic Neutral
You’re looking for the perfect email signature template, but all the pretty ones DON’T have clickable links, and all the ones with clickable links are…..blah. This Gmail Email Signature Template for Canva in Nostalgic Neutral solves BOTH of those issues, to meet in the middle with a little flair and clickable links!
Here’s What You’ll Do (Just 5 Easy Steps!) VIDEO TUTORIAL INCLUDED
►Customize your photo, name, fonts and colors easily in Canva
►Change the color of our 7 social media icons to match your brand in Canva
►Download your files to your computer
►Use your files to customize the Google Doc template and add in your live links for your website, email and social media
►Copy and paste straight into Gmail!

► Canva link with template for your photo, name and social media icons.
► Google Docs link with template for the full signature.
► Instructions for use and step by step help sheet to show you exactly how its done!
► Bonus FREE Resources!
►► Fonts included with your templates and are free for commercial use (or use your own!)
Edit Template in the Free Version of Canva!
► Edit All Colors
► Edit All Text
► Change Photos
► Change Fonts
► Fonts included with your templates and are free for commercial use (or use your own!)
How You’ll Access Your Templates
You’ll receive a link to your Canva template instantly upon purchase.
This template is compatible with Canva. You will need basic knowledge of Canva to use this template. You will need to edit this template on your computer or your phone. Link to sign up for a FREE Canva account included!
► Click the link to your Canva templates
► Have fun editing! Consult your help sheet or email me if you get stuck at
Purchase Grants You One License
You may use this template for personal use, or for your own business(s) an unlimited number of times. You may use this template for client work to create a flattened final product, but you may NEVER give away the editable template file or any copies of it to your clients, and you may NEVER resell this template on your own platform, or a third party marketplace. See full terms here.
Thirty One Palms Studio® is a registered trademark of Thirty One Palms Studio, LLC. You may not use our intellectual property without permission or in any way besides the terms outlined in our license.
Thirty One Palms Studio’s sale of templates is not affiliated with Canva in any official way. Canva makes no promises regarding third-party templates, and Canva shall not be liable for anything arising from the creation (or purchase) of a third-party template.
Thank you!!
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